Calling All Entrepreneurs – It Is Time

There truly has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur, but not just ANY entrepreneur. Sustainability is first and foremost on our minds and in our lives right now. Our future, our survival depends on it. With millions going into workplaces daily, unhappy with their jobs, and earning in ways that destroy our planet, it’s time to come to terms with our actions. It is time to take responsibility.

Our past challenges have forced us to take a look at the hard facts that our future is not predictable. But our biggest challenge is taking action to create a world that can flourish in those challenges. It starts with all of us. Are you entrepreneurial but have no idea where to start? Do you desire to be a part of a new world that brings great, positive change to others and the planet? It’s not only possible, but anyone can do it. It just takes a decision to stop making excuses about your life and your past, or that you need to ‘make a living.’ Now is the time to live a life of passion and purpose. But we aren’t doing it as starving artists at Digital Explorers. We are learning how to be profitable while we pave the way to a new way of life. 

We are out of excuses. Our lives depend on making new decisions. Those who are creating sustainable businesses are no longer ‘tree huggers.’ We are business people who care. We are the ones tired of feeling unfulfilled in our lives because most of our days are spent in ways that we no longer resonate with. I know. I was an investment banker for two decades, going along with what I thought was a prestigious career that I never resonated with. How did I end up there? Like all of us, life takes in directions we never planned that we rarely question. That is, until one day I DID question my decisions. I had to take responsibility. I had to DO something. The alternative was too depressing to consider. I had to be the change maker.

I realize that I am in the minority of people who dream of wanting their own business while doing good things and actually take the action to make it happen. No, it’s not an easy decision, but it certainly is a satisfying and healthy one. With this in mind, I knew that I had to create that option for others who need that nudge and guidance. We are no longer the minority. Caring entrepreneurs are growing in the thousands, the millions, and we are forging ahead to create a new world. As you can see from the picture I took at the St. Petersburg, Florida Saturday market, creativity has no limits. The world wants to express itself and it’s time. Is that you? Do you want to break out of your box? 

You may not feel you have a skill. That is OK because all you need is the desire. I am launching my fourth business this year called “Unity Clothing Company” where crafters, artists and entrepreneurs sell, buy and learn about sustainable clothing and other articles. I have no idea how to make the shopping bags that I will be producing. I’ll learn, and I’ll teach others. We’ll bring on experts and we’ll teach one another. We will share our planet friendly goods with the world so that they have healthier options. This is how it starts and grows. Pretty soon it will just be how we live. It’s happening. Do you want to be a part of it? 

I have an article from Shopify that talks about the amazing opportunities we have to become entrepreneurs. If this is you, don’t wait. You can be on the cutting edge of this wonderful movement to sustainable, organic, healthier living. If you want to learn more about how I am teaching students to create their sustainable businesses from scratch, give this a click and come check it out. It might just save our planet and your life in the process.

Author Landria Onkka has numerous best sellers and a television movie. She is an entrepreneur changing the planet as founder of, training entrepreneurs how to create planet conscious businesses.